Alan started playing violin at the age of 13, it quickly became his passion. When Alan became a Christian,
he devotes more of his violin passion to praise God in Sacred music and hymnals. Alan recovered the true meaning of music is in worship and praising,
as Bach's life motto : Soli Deo Gloria - Glory to God Alone.
Alan 13岁开始学习小提琴, 小提琴很快的成为了他生命中的爱好。成为基督徒后, 他把对小提琴的爱好转向于圣乐及赞美诗的演奏。他重新发现了音乐真正的意义乃是以我们的恩赐和才智敬拜和赞美神。正像巴赫所说:唯独神的荣耀。
Michelle Yin began her studies in piano at the age of 6 and harp at the age of 15.
Michelle loves to praise God and serve Him through her music in piano and harp. The standards of learning and support she has
received from her family as well as the grace and blessings God has given her are apparent in everyhting she stives to achieve.
Michelle五岁开始学习钢琴, 十五岁开始学习竖琴。Michelle喜欢以钢琴和竖琴赞美服事神。Michelle以她领受到的家庭支持和神的赐福来向生命中更大的目标而冲刺。
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